
Teaching Methodology

The methodolgy is child-centric, to ensure a perfect personality passes from the school. All the students are encouraged to participate in various activities. The focus is laid on communication skills, regular project works and classroom interaction gives oppurtunities to each student to gain confidence and boosting individual creative expression. We aim at grooming our each student towards holistic development.


"Books are best friend of a man"
A library is therefore soul of a school. We have maintained a well equipped library for use of teachers and students.To enhance habit of reading among students, library-period is specially provided to each class in the time table.

Multimedia Room

To make learning more interesting and effective there is separate Multimedia room with Smart Board and other Audio Visual aids.

Arts & Craft Studio

To motivate the creative impulse of student the school maintain a studio for arts & crafts where students can explore the artist in them through various activities,likewise:

1. Drawing and coloring
2. Sketching
3. Decorating articles

4. Card making
5. Vegetable ,Thumb, Finger Painting
6. Recycling the waste products to name a few.







1. Parents are requested to attend the Parent Orientation Programme to be held at the starting of academic year.
2. Regular Parent Teacher meeting would be held on prior intimation, to discuss about the progress of the student.
3. Parents can meet the subject teachers with prior appointment.
4. Parents would be informed about changes in curriculum through PTMs,circulars,school almanacs and website.


The Chairman, Director, Headmistress,Teachers and Counsellors are always available by appointment to discuss progress and welfare of the student.